by Dana Cavalea March 10, 2017

When I first started writing this morning I was going to write about weight training. But then....

I started to think about the word resistance. Is resistance a word reserved exclusively for training purposes? Or is this a word that has some carry over and bandwidth? 

Turns out it does. It brings me back to a speech I was giving the other day about life- and overcoming the great obstacles we all face.

So often in life we feel the "Weight" of life coming down on us... and much like weight training, it is our job to control the resistance, before the resistance controls us. Our role in the process is to not get crushed. 

We all have weight that is coming down on us and moving in our direction, and this is totally normal. Those that roam the earth with chronic depression, sadness, and defeat simply got caught under the bar.

This doesn't have to be permanent, but it can be if it goes unaddressed. Believe it or not- sometimes letting the bar push against you a little bit gives you time to regroup and gather yourself- a time that should actually be valued rather than dismissed or considered a time of depression.

When the weight is against you- that is a time to prepare for future movement. You can not be full speed all the time, every day, every minute, for your entire life.

It is important to have times of pull back, times of prep, times of slow down so you can evaluate, assess, and regain the energy and strength to move mountains.

We have all been there- the difference between those who move forward and prevail is their attitude during this time. Do you resist? Do you fight? Do you accept? 

Are you using your time "under the bar" wisely or are you giving up and allowing the weight to pause or actually crush you? 

These are the questions. But when you are in this process- believe you are there for a reason. Believe you are there preparing for the next great move. You are preparing yourself for greatness.

So allow the bar to rest against you- putting some good pressure on you- but never let it crush you. Think about it. In life, you are going to need to push through with tremendous force and resilience to achieve something great.

To stay disciplined, focused, and mentally healthy is a process that will force you to work against resistance daily- even sometimes against the resistance you place on yourself. Overcome. #TrainLikeAPro

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

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