by Dana Cavalea October 30, 2018

Hey Team..

Like many of you.. I have days that are really awesome... and days that are average... and days that are frustrating...

In writing to you each day... I never want you to think my life is always sunshine and rainbow 24-7-365.....

What I feel I do very well though, is talk myself through the bad "times", meaning hours of the day to get past them as quick as possible....

If my self-talk/ coaching does not work... 

Well... then I deploy heart-rate elevation via fitness... 

Sweating via steamroom and sauna...

And follow all of the above up with a hot/cold contrasting shower...

This, in combination with flooding myself with water usually does the trick...

Along with some positive reading.... (like Habits of a Champion :) )...

But yesterday.. I got a message from a special friend that really got me excited...

That friend is Hall of Famer, Reggie Jackson... he sent me a personal post through Facebook! 


Spending my time in baseball... I always made it my duty to spend personal time with people.. players, staff, coaches, front office... getting to know who they really were outside of the game...

That is one of my fascinations in life...

I love people..

I love their stories... learning about their backgrounds... how they grew up... what they enjoy... what they struggle with... all of it!

That, above skill, is what has allowed me to become a really great Coach... 

In order to Coach somebody, you must know who they are....

And.. you must also know what makes them tick....

And... what they are dealing with on the surface and way below it....

Identifying what is driving them.. or holding them back....

That all starts with conversation....

Not a fake, false-hustle conversation that is topical and self-serving...

But a real talk...

Honest, open, real....

If you want to get this off on the right foot... share something vulnerable with somebody else....

That immediately helps them feel comfortable and willing to engage at their own will....

That is my challenge to you today...

Open up.

Loosen up.


Tell your story to somebody.... and be open to listen to theirs....

That is communication 101... be open to give and receive....

Never force...

Just be real....

Reggie did that to me... and I am passing the message to you....

Thanks Mr. October .... (from all of us!)....



If you are looking for personalized coaching with me, apply here. 

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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