by Dana Cavalea April 04, 2018

Hey Team!

So- I gotta admit it to you... I have an addiction...

Not to popcorn, or nicotine, or alcohol...

But, for the first time ever, a TV Show! Wow.. felt good to get that off my chest!


I have been addicted to this show... almost to the point where I missed my workout being sucked into the vortex of tv series episodes!


But I had to to stop... kind of...

I pulled out my set of dumbbells... 

And knocked out my shoulder workout while the show was on...

Then... took out my physioball and knocked out my core...

Then.. jumped on the peloton bike... and knocked out my cardio...

All during the show!


And you can do the same! My client Riley does the same thing every morning before work.. except to The West Wing...

And my other client... Brandon... to Super Soul Sunday and the greatest hits of the 70s, 80s, and 90s...

You see... it is about valuing your health and not choosing between recreational tv addiction, or "excuses"... and getting your workout in to better your self...

We always have a choice... and in those moments where you feel like you DO NOT FEEL LIKE IT... just take a small step..


Run in Place.

Jumping Jacks..

Deep Breathing..

Do something to get you in the HEALTH FRAME OF MIND...

It is amazing how just taking the first step can activate a whole workout...

Just like my set of shoulders... 

I did the set... then another and another and another... and that led to an entire workout...

Now start taking ownership of your health game... and make the magic happen for yourself...

Take the time to prioritize your health...

You will feel great when you are done...

A sweat a day.. keeps you moving!

Now let's go!


** Check out my workout below... 4 sets of 15 each.. non-stop! Simple. Effective. Great form always.


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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