by Dana Cavalea February 05, 2021

1 Comment

Hi Team...

I hope the first week of February was a winner for you...

Over the last two weeks though, I have noticed a theme: FATIGUE.

Fatigue is a motivation killer. And, we can often get fatigued from being in our own heads too much, too long, too frequently.

As I get to coach teams and individuals around the World, it is a common theme I am hearing and seeing... yet, it is too early, yet too common this time of year.

Coach, it is only February!

Yes- and how we feel in February is the result of January...

Some people put so much pressure on themselves to start the year well- that they over work.. they push themselves to their limits and as a result, come February, they are smoked, tired, fatigued, burnt-out, not feeling creative or ambitious, and needing a recharge...

Think of your life as a plate.

If you see space on the plate, most likely, after eating you will not get full.

But, if your plate is filled to the brim, and piled 4 inches high, your plate and you are at capacity. Most likely, you will feel shot after eating and will want to do nothing else but rest... and fall into a deep slumber..

Look at the plate as you and your work capacity...

We can only take on too much...

We all have a certain capacity..

If we pile on even a little more when we have a full plate- things start falling off the plate and onto the floor...

Got it?

I don't want that for you...

You should not want that either...

So, if you are somebody living in a state of reactive, overwhelm, it is time to start asking yourself:

What is on my plate?

Does it need to be there?

But most importantly, ask yourself:

What are the few things I need to do each day to be great?

And when you figure that out, you will have simplified your life, your thoughts, and increased your effectiveness...

As a result, it will calm you and your over-active mind....

Most leaders deal with a racing mind...

Always thinking, calculating, projecting and forecasting....

That happens because we are always working to protect ourselves... and our downside...

Think about that: You are doing it to PROTECT yourself...

That indicates you are not feeling safe in some way...

When you get to the root of "why" you feel unsafe- then, the calm sets in and you can begin to operate from a place of passion and freedom vs. pressure and stress.

Got it?

More to come on this next week....

Let's go...

Win Today.


Have you heard this weeks podcast? Click here to listen!

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


January 07, 2023

Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!

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