by Dana Cavalea August 19, 2018

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Hey Team!

Hope you are had a great weekend!

As August is wrapping up, it is an interesting time for me. 

My College Baseball Players who have worked so hard training this summer (in addition to playing) are heading back to school.

What I love about now working with many college players is the fact that they are so focused, excited, and locked in on being the best college player they can be.

Totally focused.

Totally engaged in the work. 

No matter how intense our training is for the day, they are excited to take it on and work through the challenge. Love that.

So, Friday night, I went with them to take batting practice in Stamford, Connecticut.

Former MLB Manager and MLB Network Analyst has a training facility there an was not only throwing batting practice to the boys that night, but he was coaching them as well....

Almost 70 and still excited and passionate about the game....


It is all in his mindset....

And after Batting Practice, we were talking and he asked me a couple questions about life and I had given him the answer, " I am figuring it out.".....

To which he responded, " Let me know when you do. I have been trying for 70 years and decided rather than try and figure it out, I would just keep doing and doing and doing."

Simple Genius.

You see, Bobby didn't really make it to the big stage a ballplayer- he had a nice career, but he really made a name for himself as a manager. And, because of the nature of pro ball- here today, gone tomorrow, he realized his perspective was everything. 

High levels of confidence, self-belief, surrounded by a lot of having fun and not taking yourself so seriously. 

These are the life lessons that are so important. And, for Bobby, he has kept himself around the game he loves so much in many different capacities...

How about you?

Are you doing what you love?

In any capacity?

Listen, I get it. We all have bills to pay and obligations- but one of those obligations has to be to honor your passion...

Get involved and stay involved at any capacity...

It is healthy and important for your mind to have that outlet...

So as we head into the week... let's all commit to following Bobby's advice.... 

Do a lot of DOING. Engage Your Passion. Never Forget to Have Fun!







This was a true passion write for me. Lessons from top performing athletes and business leaders designed to keep you motivated, inspired, and taking action!  And... the foreword is by MLB Manager, JOE GIRARDI!

Stay Tuned!

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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