by Dana Cavalea October 28, 2018

1 Comment

Hey Team- 

Hope you had an amazing weekend!

Mine got off to a BOOM very quickly... right after I picked my wife up from the train on Friday night...

Every Friday night, after a long week of work, we try to go out and have a nice dinner at a great restaurant....

This week, we went to a place called CAVA in New Canaan, CT where we live...

This was after we debated a few others.... eventually... I won and we went here for some great Northern Italian cuisine...

When we arrived... the hostess asked us where we wanted to sit... a lower table or a high-top...

Being that it was formal Friday.. I figured the table would be best...

We were wedged in between two other tables.. which usually drives me nuts...

But, not tonight.

Tonight was a special night.


We met the most incredible man.

His name: John Monoco

His business card says: John Monoco "Still Making It Happen".....

An 88-year old Brooklyn Hustler who we were commissioned to sit next to...

From the moment we sat down, he looked at both of us with extreme care and empathy... and said, "Hi"....

He was dining with his wife, son, and daughter-in-law... and you could tell they were used to his rhetoric... but for us, tonight, he would validate so much...

In a World that is filled with many disingenuous instagram-social media self promoting "icons"... this man was such a breath of fresh air... an amazing soul...

Telling us stories of his life in Brooklyn, how he used his charisma, salesmanship, and street education to bring a company to 45 million per year in annual revenues....

To how he met his wife....

And the amazing advice he would tell his kids every, single, day so they could go on and do some amazing things with their lives.....

He made it simple... he showed us that there are people running around that are designed to get you through....

Friends.... I share with you today The Monoco Method to Life, Business, and Salesmanship:

1. You MUST have Confidence.... that is #1!
2. Everybody is Acting... We are all to get what you want in life... start acting better than the rest..... that will lead to confidence over time....
3. Respect. Treat Others how you would like to be treated... never change that.
4. When you are facing a storm... pull your hat down low... so only your eyes are showing... and run towards that storm with everything you got....
5.We are all the same... we are all very close to one another... the difference between those who make it and those who do not is a very small difference...It is not as big as you think... the gap that take a shot in life... give it all you got!


A man we had never met before... inspiring, motivating, introducing us to PORT wine after dinner- telling us it is his magic formula... 

Quite the character...but he only speaks truths...

Coming from nothing, having no education, and having zero confidence as a young man... he overcame it all...

Now he travels the country with his wife, exploring the great United States in his Lexus SUV.. taking it all in...taking nothing for granted....

I encourage you all to do the same... dig in, face the storms, run towards the things that scare you, and fear nobody or nothing....

You have nothing to lose...

Nobody is bigger or better than you...

Nobody should be idolized....

You make the magic happen...

Start Today!



If you are looking for personalized coaching with me, apply here. 

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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