by Dana Cavalea June 20, 2017

Have you ever taken a deep look at the Companies that are thriving today?
Many that are taking their game to the next level have taken an employee-centric approach. The leadership has realized that a healthier, happier and more inspired employee will do more than any marketing or advertising campaign.
But what is the key to engagement? More money? Nope.
The corner office? Nope.
In today's world of social media, connection, experiences and the choice for a better lifestyle over corporate prestige, the answer may be more simple than we think.
I have found in working with many dissatisfied employees (of other companies of course :) ); they desire expression.
They desire a platform in which they can express themselves. Much like social media gives them. They want this daily at the place they spend more waking hours than any, their workplace.
People thrive on expression.
I have a formula I like to speak of:
You see, if you give people the opportunity to express freely, this creates connection. Other employees and folks within the Company can relate to the expression of one of their co-workers/ colleagues. This breaks down walls and barriers giving a greater understanding of somebodies individuality.
It  also gives Leadership a better understanding of those who work for them and what really makes them tick beneath their typically forced corporate persona.
Honestly, have you ever walked around your typical corporate environment. Sterile is the word I would use to describe it.
The only sense of identity a person has in the workplace is the picture frame of their family, coffee mug and tchotchkes that reside on their desk collecting dust mites.
Sad. Yes these people get a paycheck on the first and fifteenth of the month, but every day a small piece of them dies.
The Cause: Lack of expression.
If you (as leadership) can give your people a platform to express, overall engagement can totally take off. This combined with the "challenge" of getting the agreed upon idea/ project/ program off the ground can create the catapult.
Also, for the higher level executives that are frustrated with the efforts of their lower tiered employees, "Have you ever thought that maybe those employees are playing a different game than you?"
What do I mean?
Simply this:
While you are having all of your close door board/ conference room meetings, your employees have no idea what is actually going on. They are left to wonder and speculate like a novice trader. Because of this, they are not involved with the true corporate initiatives. Unaware of the details, the plans, the directions (with detail), therefore creating a divide, not unity.
If you are looking to relaunch your Company, start by creating a platform expression that goes beyond the CEO, CFO, COO speaking from a podium (AT) the employees. Engage the lower ranks to speak to the higher ranks on a forum or small group setting. Give them the torch.
I have listened to so many people talk about, "How to get more out of the Millennials?" or "How to manage Millennials?"
This is the how:
Allow them to express themselves. If you do, you may be surprised at how much talent is within these creative, social "entrepreneurs."
Oh yea, one more thing. You know that stress and frustration you have everyday trying to manage these people? That will soon disappear. Give them a platform.
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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