by Dana Cavalea April 06, 2021

Hi Team...

Yesterday, I sat down and talked with legendary Notre Dame football player, RUDY Ruettiger!

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy- as the stadium chanted!

It was a whole lot of fun...

Let me tell you why....

His energy, his enthusiasm, and his approach towards life....

When I asked him how he maintains that energy and enthusiasm, he said:

By Being Around Others That Have It.

Makes sense, right?

Who do you surround yourself with? Winners? Or, Losers?

It is amazing how one mans spirit or woman's spirit can become infectious....

What if that person with the high spirits could be you?

What if you had the ability to light up a room, to change the temperature of those around you?

Well- you do.

It starts with a decision to do that and be that person.

Everything in life starts with a decision.

What I loved about RUDY is that he knew in life he was an underdog and he used that spirit and fight to make things happen for himself....

Most people know him as the kid that was carried off the field at Notre Dame to the sounds of a cheering stadium...

But, after that, he went on to sell insurance....

Then, he went to Hollywood with an idea of a movie....

And, somebody bought in because of his spirit and enthusiasm...

In essence, they bought him!

Who would buy you?

What would their reason be for buying into you?

Think about it.

I had to ask him, Rudy,  how he did it...

How did he build a life from the bottom up?

He said simple: "I was inspired."

I told him a lot of people "feel" inspired and then quit....

To which he said, "Then they were never truly inspired"

You see, when you catch that true feeling of inspiration, it is a gift.

It is a superpower that can push you through the roughest of waters...

Inspiration gives you strength, power, and a mental edge...

It is not something you force upon yourself, it is something you feel.

Too often today we are taught to chase things...

Chase money. Chase our future. Chase. Chase. Chase.

But when you are inspired, you attract.

That journey of attraction begins when you get real with yourself.

  • What do you really want?
  • What do you really care about?
  • What is your true passion and are you going after it?

When you can answer these questions and begin moving towards them with passionate, simple, daily actions- you start the process of winning through inspiration.

Got it?

Today- I want you do answer these questions above for yourself...

Get moving in the right direction for the right reasons.

Let's go!

You got this...


You know that "Practice Makes Perfect"- Listen to this weeks podcast on the Importance of Practice. Click Here.


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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