by Dana Cavalea November 08, 2017

So.. as I wrap up my final day here in Miami's South Beach...

I figured I would take a few minutes to talk about a topic I love to coach about.. WINNING..

Now.. as I always say.. I have been truly blessed to be around so many Winners..

But before we go forward.. let me tell you how I define a WINNER.

Winner = Somebody who is thriving in all aspects of their life.. family, health, business/ career, mindset, attitude, and perspective.. while overcoming the negatives life throws at them day to day.

That is my definition. Not Websters. Not some motivational guru seeking singular victories. But my definition of a winner as I see them through my eyes and how I believe winning should be looked at. All encompassing. Multi-dimensional.

The thing is.. when you are a multi-dimensional winner, you can live in peace. Not consumed by the volatility of one aspect of your life. Example: If your business is slow, it takes down your entire existence. 

Now I want to share a great conversation I had last week with a long time friend and client, Gino. 

Gino is a guy who has achieved tremendous success in building a multi-state, mobile phone sales & distribution operation. Not only has he scaled a retail business over 50 stores, but he has a great family, a passion for cars, and values travel/ getting away with his family. He is also an industry leader in his world.

When it comes to his health and fitness, when he is in town, the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday slot at 7:30 has been his for the past 6 years. Truly amazing. Once again, HABITS and COMMITMENT leading to winning results. 

But last week, during a meeting we were having, he shared some very valuable advice:

"Dana, the only times I get in trouble in my life is when I don't play offense on every situation.. when I come at something playing defense.. I am done before I start."

This made total sense. He explained a high performance mindset: PLAYING OFFENSE vs. a LOW PERFORMANCE MINDSET, playing defense.

If you approached your life and day in "attack" mode.. you would get more done, create massive efficiency, and have a true sense of accomplishment each day.

In the world of sports, we call that "taking numbers"... this is a recipe to create legacy and dominance.

Dominate your day. Win your day. 

If you do this enough times over the course of many years... the results will be a lot of wins.

Now the great part about talking to a guy like Gino is that he not afraid to tell you about the losses.

"Losses are a part of the game. Losses are a part of winning. Winners know when to cut their losses, close shop, and move on to the next thing quickly. Never sulk in a loss. Learn from it".. advice he had given me through years.. 

Now I write today's blog to inspire thought about your day to day life.

  • Where are you playing defense?
  • Where are you afraid to engage?
  • What are those situations, calls, to-do's that are hanging over you that need to be "put to bed" so you can fly?

Every one of those things is holding back your performance. 

If you attack and engage you too will find higher performance and efficiency..

Now go Dominate Your Day!

(habits and consistency.. the secrets of success)


#buildingchampions #theycallmecoach

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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