by Dana Cavalea August 09, 2017

Remember when you used to spend hours on end playing sports? Maybe some of you still do. Or, maybe you just always loved sports, never actually played, but loved athletes.
For the majority, as they age, those that were athletes, still see themselves as athletes. The only difference between now and then is they stop competing and training as if they are.
This post is about bringing out your inner athlete.
Taking your body, mind, and training back to when you felt your best. Back to when you had a clear goal of obtaining maximal on-field, on-court, or on-course performance.
The time when you felt flexible, agile, athletic, strong, powerful, and well conditioned. Your body fat was low, your skin was tight, and you had a mojo and self confidence working that was borderline unstoppable.
That is what unleashing your inner athlete is about.
Could you imagine bringing that killer disposition into the workplace everyday? The results that you would have would be incredible.
The reality is though, the further we drift from this "place" of not just seeing ourselves as athletes, but actually training and being athletes again, the weaker we get mentally and physically.
Let's start by priming our mind for success. What we tell ourselves is what we will achieve or be. Affirmations, priming, breathing techniques are all great ways to get the body re-started again.
Mental training combined with a total body training program will help you gain lift. Your program should get you back to the point where you can run, jump, hop, skip, squat, sprint, lift, and play without restriction. That is good program. Better yet, a great program.
If there is something in your performance evaluation that you feel is missing or holding you back, things must change. Your current plan, path, and program are flawed.
The body is highly adaptable at any age. The difference between training like an athlete at 50 vs. 20 is that your muscles become less pliable and your mobility is much lower. So before jumping back in hard-core, you must prime your body.
Check out todays videos so that you can prime your mind and body for optimal performance. It is time to re-release your INNER ATHLETE.
You can use the below warm-up before your day starts to get yourself loose, primed, and elevated to go and WIN THE DAY!
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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