by Dana Cavalea August 21, 2017

As you get older, have you ever tried to catch a ball when thrown at you?
What about shooting hoops for the first time in a few years?
Or when somebody tosses you something, how is your reaction?
In most cases it is typically slow! When you are a kid, you are used to having things tossed at and to you, but as you age, the only thing tossed at you is a "to-do" list or your pants to throw in the laundry!
Either way, as we age, we must train to age. I have found that the faster your eyes can interpret something, the faster you react.
Have you ever thought about training your reaction time as you age?
Perhaps playing a game of "flipping the ball" to somebody else with your non-dominant hand and then catching with that same hand?
Feels strange right? A bit weird?
Incorporating weekly games into your workout will not only keep you sharp mentally, but will keep your reaction time sharp. So, if you start to slip on ice in the winter, you can catch yourself!
If you are at a ball game and a lacing line drive is hit your way, you won't have to panic.
Training your reaction time and coordination as you move through the aging and development process will really help you to age well.
In working with some older fellas, I have found that re-teaching them basic movement skills, such as balance, skipping, marching, hopping, and playing various catch games has kept them sharp. Their athleticism came right back, and boom, it felt like Kobe Bryant was in the room rather than Bryant Kobe.
Check out the videos for some drills you can implement to improve your reaction time and stay reactively young! 
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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