by Dana Cavalea October 20, 2017

So- I hope you all know that Coaches need Coaches as well...

With that being said.. I was speaking with MLB Private Hitting Consultant, Kevin Wilson.. who is not only a great Coach.. but has become a great sounding board for me over that past year or so... 

Yesterday.. as I was driving through Greenwich, CT.. I gave Kevin a buzz and we were talking about the world of internet marketing and how confusing it can sometimes be to share your message in a such a crowded space.. the internet. 

Anyway.. as we were chatting.. he was telling me about some of the lessons his mother from Brooklyn once taught him.. One of them was, "Love it or shove it"... 

Simply stated.. with the translation meaning.. if people don't LOVE your stuff and what you are putting out there.. they can head out to the hay pastures.. and it should be no skin off your back!

In a time and place where we are so worried about what others are thinking.. and how we are perceived publicly.. we spend most of our waking hours "positioning" ourselves to others.. rather than just putting our best SELF and CONTENT and MESSAGE into the world unfiltered... 

As we were chatting.. he asked me if I had ever heard of Coach Art Williams.. 

My answer was a definite NO... 

Art was a high school football coach turned insurance titan.. from age 30 going from coaching at a high school in Georgia to by age 40 making it to the top of his field.. 10 years.. tons of action.. and one simple message... DO IT!


Forget spending the time worrying about failing and not getting it done right.. just go out and DO IT and then make the adjustments as you go.. 

We all spend a lot of time PERFECTING but the reality is.. perfection takes place in stages and over time.. If we looked at ourselves this way we would be able to make tremendous strides not over the course of a day or two.. but over the course of a decade or two.. how patient are you?

Anyway.. I wanted to share this with you.. and I hope you enjoy!! 

The video attached is Coach Art Williams.. please watch.. it will bring tremendous spirit to your day! #likeapro

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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